Our Services

We are experts.

Schedule a consultation with our experienced team to gain insightful guidance on all your insurance needs. Our experts are ready to help you find the right protection tailored to your unique situation.


This is a primary function which we carefully address as it affects the client by the cost of the insurance. The scope of cover and the nature of their insurer’s response to claims under the policy. We only deal with those Insurers which meet or exceed stringent requirements for determining the quality of security.

Advice on Insurance Coverages

This is the primary task of all insurance brokers. We consider ourselves experts in this field and have a legal duty to provide clients with sound technical advice on their insurance needs including the scope of coverage required and the policy terms and conditions. We also recommend which insurance carriers should be used for the placement of risks

Claims Handling and Administration

Our claims managemont process relies on an electronic database and corresponding services. We establish basic guidellnes which are detailed in a Claims Procedural Manual and which are prepared for every major line of coverage. Upon notice of loss all information is put into our system with all corresponding security and any and all notices status updates and changes in loss reserves

  • Recording of all incidents.

  • Assisting in investigations and the incident site.

  • Negotiation of claims including assessment of liability

  • Control of Third Party experts

  • Regular claims reporting with agreed analysis of details

Daily Handling and Administration

Our internal administrative system is based on a network of trained and capable support staff that ensure continuity in the daily handling and administration of all aspects of our client's business.

Risk Analysis and Evaluation

We conduct risk analysis and Evaluation studies to identify and measure the potential magnitude of loss exposures and to assist in factoring risk costs into future business and operating programs. This involves:

  • Identification and development of physical damage , business interruption and third party liability loss estimates for planning and insurance purposes.

  • Development of disaster recovery plans and establishment of contingency arrangements.

Loss Control Services

We conduct on-site surveys to assist management in identifying deficiencies and prioritizing improvements. This involves audits of loss control programmes with emphasis on the areas of safety and health, security, property conservation, contingency planning, third party and contractual liability and business recovery and contingency plans.

Risk Management Audits

We conduct audits to assist organizations in ensuring that they are managing risks prudently and effectively.

This involves:

  • Evaluation of the adequacy and cost effectiveness of risk financing and insurance programmes

  • Reviews of risk management strategy

  • Analysis of risk management departments.

Risk Financing

We assist organizations in assessing their total cost of risk to determine and implement the most cost-effective methods for providing financial protection in the event of accidental loss.

This involves:

  • Evaluation of possible risk financing alternatives, including captives, rent-a-captive, finite risk and hybrid programmes.

  • Analysis of risk to support client relations with underwriters.

  • Assessment and assistance in establishing broker relations.

  • Revised insurance terms, cost and condtions.

Education and Training

Fundamental to the success of any comprehensive program for the effective management of risk is the provision of education and training in all aspects of this process. Specifically, we support this function by providing expertise and advice on the administrative systems and procedures which should be implemented to allow for optimum focus of the risk management function.

Analysis of Insurers Financial Results

We have access to data on premium levels, claims, legal opinions, statistics and market developments, both local and international. Additionally, we carry the financial results of all local insurance companies which respond to our request for the necessary financial information. Our objective is to ensure that the security provided by underwriters of our clients' business is satisfactory. We also satisfy ourselves that the insurance companies who provide our quotations all meet the requirements of the Insurance Acts of the respective territories.

Employee Benefits

Our Employee Benefits Services Limited is engaged in providing specialist consulting services in all aspects of Employee Benefits. Our services include:

  • Development of employee medical requirements profiles.

  • Negotiating of suitable tailored group life and health cover.

  • Pension and Annuity consulting.

Broking Operations

Abdool and Abdool Inc’s client services begin with complete research and assessment of the client's risk exposures to development of cost effective risk management techniques to placement of coverages at the most favourable market rates and conditions .

Ongoing scrutiny and monitoring ensures changing needs are met and clients’ claims are promptly settled.

Schedule a complimentary consultation